• onsdag, Augusti 30, 2023

.Tr Domain Name Registration Required Documents

.Com.Tr Documents required for ".com.tr"

- For the applications made by the legal entities and organizations; the official documents required must certify that the domain name you apply for is your registered trademark or corporate name. One official document that appropriates for the application, which may be "Commercial Registration Certificate", "Trademark Registration Certificate" etc., is sufficient to register a ".tr" domain.
- authorized signatures document
-Furthermore, foreign applicants are to prove business activity in Turkey or have a business relationship with a company that is domiciled in Turkey and provides supporting official documents such as franchising agreement, distribution agreement, invoice, custom papers, etc.
Note: We recommend for 5 years of registration.
You can also register below domains without documents;
.biz.tr    .info.tr   .web.tr  .tv.tr   .name.tr  .gen.tr

.Biz.Tr Documents required for ".biz.tr"
No document requested at any stage of the registration for ".biz.tr" sub-domain names.

.Info.Tr Documents required for ".info.tr"

No document requested at any stage of the registration for ".info.tr" sub-domain names.

.Org.Tr Documents required for ".org.tr"
You need to submit your documents for your .org.tr application by means of your Registrar.
    • In order to register ".org.tr" sub-domain name, bylaws of the applicant organisation or
    • At least three supporting letters from three different NGOs must be submitted to ".tr " Domain Names Administration.

.Net.Tr  Documents required for ".net.tr"
"net.tr" is a sub-domain for the use of Turkish institutions and organisations that offer various internet supply services.

.Gov.Tr Documents required for ".gov.tr"
"gov.tr" is a sub-domain name for Turkish governmental organisations and institutionals.

.Tv.Tr Documents required for ".tv.tr"
No document requested at any stage of the registration for ".tv.tr" sub-domain names.

.Bel.Tr Documents required for ".bel.tr"

"bel.tr" is a sub-domain name for Turkish city and town municipality organisations.

.Tel.Tr Documents required for ".tel.tr"
No document requested at any stage of the registration for ".tel.tr" sub-domainnames. However, if any case of a conflict, inconsistency,malicious act or an evidence of domain name trade activities is determined, the domain name owner may be requested to present supportive documents; moreover, the registration may be discontinued without prior notice or warning.

.Name.Tr Documents required for ".name.tr"
No document requested at any stage of the registration for ".name.tr" sub-domain names. However, if any case of a conflict, inconsistency, malicious act or an evidence of domain name trade activities is determined, the domain name owner may be requested to present supportive documents; moreover, the registration may be discontinued without prior notice or warning.

.Gen.Tr Documents required for "gen.tr"
No document requested at any stage of the registration for ".gen.tr" sub-domain names.

.Web.Tr Documents required for ".web.tr"
No document requested at any stage of the registration for ".web.tr" sub-domain names.

.Av.Tr  Documents required for ".av.tr"

"av.tr" is a sub-domain name for Turkish which has been opened for the use of freelance lawyers/solicitors, law offices and lawyer partnerships that are registered to "Turkish Bar Association".

.Dr.Tr  Documents required for ".dr.tr"
".dr.tr" is a sub-domain name for doctors of medical science, doctor partnerships, hospitals and the first level health organisations that are registered to "Turkish Medical Association".

.K12.Tr Documents required for ".k12.tr"
".k12.tr" is a sub-domain name for Turkish primary and secondary schools that are approved by the Ministry of National Education.

.Edu.Tr Documents required for ".edu.tr"
".edu.tr" is a sub-domain name for Turkish higher education institutes that are recognized by "Higher Education Council (YÖK)"

.Pol.Tr Documents required for ".pol.tr"
".pol.tr" is a sub-domain name for the Turkish Police organisation.

.Bbs.Tr Documents required for ".bbs.tr"

No document requested at any stage of the registration for ".name.tr" sub-domain names. However, if any case of a conflict, inconsistency, malicious act or an evidence of domain name trade activities is determined, the domain name owner may be requested to present supportive documents; moreover, the registration may be discontinued without prior notice or warning.

.Tsk.Tr  Documents required for ".tsk.tr"

".tsk.tr" is a sub-domain name for the Turkish military institutions and organisations.